Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Mayor and Board of Trustees

Mayor and Board of Trustees


Pitkin's Government is made up of the Mayor and a four-person Board of Trustees who meet monthly for regular Town meetings and participate in work sessions and special meetings as needed.  A Mayor and four Trustees are elected every two years during the regular municipal election.



Tom Gibb, Mayor pro tem

Email Mayor pro tem Tom Gibb

Contact Mayor pro tem Tom Gibb by phone at (970)787-0780



Jerra Garetson

Email Trustee Jerra Garetson

Contact Trustee Jerra Garetson by phone at (970)641-5533 or (620)668-0073


Ed Pianalto

Email Trustee Ed Pianalto

Contact Trustee Ed Pianalto by phone at (405)760-8157