Building Inspectors
Building Inspector: Tom Gibb
Building permits and well permits must be approved by the building inspector. All inspections associated with new construction, remodeling, or repairs must be completed by the building inspector. Email the Building Inspector. Contact Tom Gibb by phone at (970)787-0780
Ditch Commissioner
Ditch Commissioner: Jesse Garetson
The ditch commissioner maintains the Town of Pitkin's ditch system - regularly mowing, trimming weeds, and monitoring for obstructions. Contact Jesse Garetson at (620)668-0046 or the Town Clerk at (970)787-0031.
Environmental Health Agent
Environmental Health Agent: Gayla Gibb
The environmental health agent manages Pitkin's OWTS inspection records, approves septic permits, and helps the Town OWTS systems remain in compliance with State Regulation 43. Inspections are required every seven years unless otherwise indicated. Suspected OWTS issues should be reported to the environmental health agent. Email Environmental Health Agent Gayla Gibb or contact the Town Clerk at (970)787-0031
Parks and Recreation Commissioner
Parks and Rec Commissioner: Josh Ackerman
The Parks and Rec commissioner is responsible for maintaining the Town's playground area. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Josh Ackerman at (386)562-0633
Streets Commissioner
Streets Commissioner: Jesse Garetson
The Street Commissioner maintains the Town's streets and lanes. He also serves as the liason between the Town of Pitkin and Gunnison County. Street maintenance needs, damaged signage, and snow plowing issues should be reported to the Street Commissioner. Contact the Streets Commissioner at (620)668-0046 or the Town of Pitkin at (970)787-0031 or thetownofpitkin@gmail.com for assistance or to make a report.
Town Hall Commissioner
Town Hall Commissioner: Ramon Reed
The Town Hall Commissioner is an individual dedicated to preserving and promoting Pitkin's historical Town Hall building. Duties include regular cleaning and maintenance, working with the Colorado Historical Society to preserve the building in compliance with grants received, and planning events to promote the building. Contact Town Hall Commissioner Ramon Reed at PitkinRamon@gmail.com or the Town of Pitkin at (970)787-0031