Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.






A big THANK YOU to the Silver Plume Grill; donations from their annual fish fry raised over $2,200 for Pitkin Parks and Recreation!



Monday, July 22nd

Helpers to pick up new-to-Pitkin playground equipment and ground cover needed.  Contact Parks and Rec Commissioner Josh Ackerman for details.


Alpine Tunnel Update

The contractor will begin bringing the equipment to Pitkin and the wall site on June 18th.   Work is expected to be finished in September.  Basically 839 will be closed all summer between Quartz and the Hancock/Tomichi intersection.  

Please see the related CLOSURE NOTICE.  This is for everyone’s safety.  With heavy equipment and moving huge stones no one wants accidents to happen.  The crew will typically work Monday – Thursday 10-12 hour days, although that can change from time to time.  The complexity of an open/close/open/close option for the road was deemed to be too complex and very expensive to staff with flaggers for the entire summer. Total closure was the best option with the funds able to be used entirely on the wall and not paying flaggers all summer. 



Town Vacancy

The Town of Pitkin is seeking an individual to serve as Mayor or Trustee until the April 2026 regular municipal election. 

The statutory qualifications (C.R.S. 31-10-301) are as follows:

  • Must be eighteen (18) years of age

  • Must be a registered elector in the State of Colorado

  • Must have resided in the Town of Pitkin for the last 12 consecutive months

Interested in serving as Mayor or Trustee?  Please notify the Town Clerk in writing at or 

P.O. Box 9, Pitkin, CO 81241 and include the desired position


For Trustee: Jake Schellenberg, Cory Nasso, Suzy Metzler

For Mayor: Tom Gibb, Ed Pianalto



Town Commissioner/Board Positions

The Town of Pitkin is seeking volunteers for the following positions to serve through April 2026:

Ditch Commissioner

Street Commissioner

Zoning Board Member (Through April 2027)


For more information on commissioner positions, please see Ordinance 2018-3.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Town Clerk at 

Welcome to the Town of Pitkin



The Town Clerk is now certified to provide notary services.  Please contact the clerk at (970)787-0031 or to schedule


The Town of Pitkin is seeking individuals willing to serve on a Commissioner Compensation Committee - the focus of this committee will be to:

  • Review the responsibilities of Town Commissioners
  • Discuss the idea of compensation for Town Commissioners and develop proposed compensation rates
  • Discuss implications for the Town of Pitkin of moving from volunteers to paid employees/contractors

If you are interested in participating, please contact the Town of Pitkin at: or (970)787-0031


For Pitkin Cemetery Remembrance Plaque Information, please click HERE


Artsy Town Hall shot

Town Hall Grant

A big thank-you to former Town Hall Commissioner Garry Winget, who worked hard on a grant application to repair the downstream wall of Town Hall.  A grant has been won by the Town!  The grant money, along with the Town's matching funds, will pay for the repairs required to restore the cracked foundation wall at Town Hall.  Thanks to all those who wrote letters in support of the grant and to Mr. Winget for his dedication to Pitkin's Town Hall.

September 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



To view updated COVID-19 information from Gunnison County, please visit THIS LINK.